"When God saw you, it was love at first sight"
I feel a rant coming on, it can't be helped. I've passed by one too many church marquees with some trite, pithy little phrase on it. The physical and emotional response I have can only be likened to the distress I experience upon walking into my children's bathroom only hours after I've cleaned it to discover it has once again been reduced to a gas station restroom.
To wit:
"The best vitamin for a Christian is B-1"
"Jesus - gateway to the supernatural"
"Down in the mouth? It's time for a faith lift"
"Need a new life? God accepts trade-ins"
"You don't need to be brain dead to live for Jesus - but when you are, you'll be glad you did"
"Hell! I'd forgotten about that"
"Forbidden fruit creates many jams"
"Prevent truth decay, brush up on the Bible"
"Jesus: He's holding your atoms together"
Just a sampling of the quippy little quotes I've taken down over the years. Here's why they're all wrong. First - I have yet to meet somebody whose life was transformed as a result of reading a church marquee. Second - I have serious doubts that anybody driving by, Christian and heathen alike, actually stop and ponder the meaning of any given statement. Third - I think it reduces God and Christianity to a marketing tag line that is supposed to entice somebody to "buy the product"
It is my contention that I don't have "Christian credibility" with anyone till they've personally witnessed or experienced me truly behaving and living like one. More than anything, I would hate for someone who was actually considering darkening the door of a church for the first time to be dissuaded because they happened upon the cheesy marquee quote first.
So there it is. I'm stepping off my soap box (what does that mean anyway?) I'm done.
Just remember - "If God is your co-pilot - swap seats"