Sunday, May 28, 2006

100 things you might not know about me

1. I detest the color mint green.
2. I'm a bit afraid that I'll get cancer.
3. I really like stormy weather.
4. Fall is my favorite season of the year.
5. I'm proud of my family.
6. People with big egos get on my nerves.
7. I don't like to mess up.
8. I am beginning to understand what having a mid-life crisis means.
9. Cheap chocolate doesn't taste good anymore.
10. When I was a kid, I remember a specific time my dad demonstrated amazing patience - I try to model that to my kids.
11. I think the way my mom handled the whole sex talk was perfect.
12. Snakes are not good.
13. I say yes sometimes and regret it.
14. I wonder a lot about the women my boys will marry.
15. I love to swim laps.
16. I'm really good at estimating how long something will take.
17. My experiences in church had a huge impact on me as a child growing up.
18. My experiences in church as an adult have had a very different impact on me.
19. I like having a diverse group of friends.
20. Mark is perfect for me.
21. I like to listen to really loud music.
22. I suck at math.
23. I have never cared that I suck at math.
24. Sucking at math has not really negatively impacted my life.
25. I want to go to a winery some day.
26. I want to train for and finish a marathon.
27. I like my house to be really clean.
28. I don't care if your house isn't clean.
29. I could have very easily married the wrong person and ended up divorced.
30. I appreciate the friendships I have.
31. I will speak up sooner next time I'm involved in a conflict.
32. I used to work in marketing at Disneyland, the Mighty Ducks and Angels.
33. My hair is almost all gray.
34. I don't feel as old as I am.
35. Mark is the only person who I let see the very worst in me.
36. I won a gold medal in academic decathlon in high school.
37. I get impatient when listening to long winded explanations.
38. Every week I read my Newsweek cover to cover.
39. I really like to read.
40. I wish I had a huge, gourmet kitchen with two ovens and a 6 burner gas range.
41. I don't care how much money I spend.
42. It bugs me sometimes that Mark cares how much money I spend.
43. I will gladly spend money if it makes something easier.
44. When I was a kid, I liked playing with boys more than girls.
45. I like my space.
46. I like to eat at expensive restaurants.
47. I think Viggo is hot.
48. I vote republican but have democratic tendencies.
49. Certain songs strike me as excellent striptease music.
50. I love the show Rescue Me.
51. Watching my kids experience fireworks on the 4th of July is the best.
52. I don't watch movies more than once. (Exception: The Thornbirds)
53. If my car is clean - all is well with my soul.
54. Minor regret - tanning and burning too often in teens and 20's and working full time and going to college full time at the same time.
55. My favorite vacation growing up - my parents rented a beach house and let me and my brother invite all of our friends.
56. Sometimes I question the decision to move to KY.
57. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do.
58. My very first job was at a frozen yogurt store - I ate frozen yogurt ALL day.
59. I love to cook and bake. Someday, I'd like to take lessons.
60. I'm not really interested in making conversation with people I'll never see again. (i.e. - cruise ship dinner companions)
61. I'd rather hang out with 10 really good friends than 50 acquaintances.
62. Mark and I only dated three months before we got engaged. I reserved the church for our wedding six weeks after meeting Mark. I gave a false name so nobody would know.
63. I am always ready to leave before anybody else.
64. One of the most embarrassing things I can remember happening to me occurred at my sister's wedding. As I stood to give a toast, the DJ introduced me as "wearing the largest bridesmaid dress ever made" (I was 8 months pregnant)
65. I do not have one completed baby or childhood photo album for any of my kids.
66. I really like jewelry - the real stuff.
67. I'm usually not early or late - I'm exactly on time.
68. Being on staff at church was the hardest job I ever had.
69. I don't think that people can change themselves very much.
70. Our first child was conceived 20 feet from my parents on a family vacation in Hawaii.
72. I was on my high school swim team with Olympic swimmer Janet Evans. We set the women's relay record at C.I.F.
73. My first boyfriend was four years older than me. We dated for three years.
74. I left at the break in every one of my college classes. I still got decent grades.
75. A few of my closest friends are males.
76. I wish I was more educated in the arts.
77. I read the opinion section of the newspaper first every day.
78. I'm good in the midst of a crisis and then fall apart way after it's over. (My emotions or feelings about something are usually experienced well after an event takes place.
79. When I get mad I stew.
80. I want to be considered a giver not a taker.
81. I would work almost any job before running an in-home day care.
82. Someday I will take my close friends on an exotic vacation (no kids).
83. I do not like sushi.
84. Chapstick is a necessity.
85. I don't like long rides in the car.
86. I like new houses not old ones with "character"
87. I have to work really hard to not cuss.
88. My middle name is Christine.
89. I do not like the names cindy, pam, doug, or duane.
90. I would have a dog if it didn't shed or poop. I'd get a big dog, no silly little purse kind.
91. I hope my boys will want to hang out with me sometimes when they are adults.
92. I wonder what my boys will say that I do that annoys them.
93. I wonder what a good psychological therapist would say is my big problem.
94. One thing that is still the same about me is the fact that I like everything neat and clean.
95. One thing that is different about me now - I am definitely not as judgmental as I used to be.
96. I think character matters most.
97. I try to do what I say I'm going to do. I don't like it when others don't follow through.
98. I will never think toilet humor is funny.
99. I'm like Schrek, I have lots of layers.
100. I have several questions for God.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Chickenone said...

I know, I just saw that today. Mark scolds me for watching.

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. How long did it take to come up with those? I've seen them on other blogs and I don't know if I could come up with 100 things.

Re: 26. Be careful, remember what happened the last time you trained for a marathon!

Re: 82. Yahoooooo! (I am on that list, right?

Can you guess which three points I think you understated?

At 11:10 AM, Blogger StuChew said...

Yea I made the list to #79. I heard that there is a list of pools that you are planning to visit. I was just verifying that "we" made the list. Will mark be out any of the time?


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Chickenone said...

Buck Cluck -

Yes, Mark will be joining us June 10-19. And yes, we were hoping to have some quality time with you guys.

Somebody has to hassle Mark or he won't feel loved.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Chickenone said...

mary - yes, I read the comments earlier, my mind is going. my guesses: #8 #18 and #31?

and yes, you will be forced to brave air travel en route to the exotic vacation destination.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, I was thinking 7, 42 and 56 with maybe a little 2 thrown in for good measure.

All your guesses were completely different than mine. Hmmmmm... Maybe you could add 101. I tend to underestimate how strongly I feel about things.

Regarding air travel, I'll just make sure the is handy!

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Okay... I think my Cybersitter kicked in and blanked out Xanax of all things! It is s'posed to read, "I'll just make sure the Xanax is handy."

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Sheila said...

I love these lists but I never have enough time to think of 100. That's how my three things thing began - I can do three, not one hundred.

We are very alike, esp #79, 83, 34, and 45.

Mary, you need to fire that Cybersitter. She's crazy with the censoring!

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sheila, yes, dead, death, drug, Xanax, even accident have all been censored by the Cybersitter. Who knows how many of my comments throughout cyberspace have odd omissions! Sigh. When I'm on top of my game (read: only occasionally) I go and suspend the sitter before typing.

I'm glad there are still a few of us who haven't joined the cult of sushi!

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Glyn Norman said...

Michelle, you can add #202:

"There are some people in the world who think I am absolutely wonderful, and feel blessed to know me. Of course, I wouldn't admit this, because I'm too modest."



At 11:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm tired of coming back and seeing no new comments... so here is another one for your list:

103. Michelle is the best hostess on the planet. Stay with Michelle and you get treated with the most yummy food which just appears out of nowhere. (Oh, and with the best three boys to keep you company... talk to you, check out your stuff, etc.)

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Ruler of the Roost said...

OK, here is some random number of "things you might not know about me . . ."
1. Michelle is perfect for me
2. I married up
3. My nickname is 'accounting control'
4. Mint green is very ugly, unless it's gum
5. I'm afraid of dying, not what happens afterwards, but of not 'being here' with my family
6. Stormy weather and fall happen in LVL, not CA
7. My family is extremely important to me
8. The boys like to hide snakes to scare mom, I encourage it.
9. I used to love to swim laps
10. When you somtimes say yes, I regret it
11. church and my wife . . . .
12. church had huge impact on me too
13. I'm good at math
14. But I have a "statistics for dummies" book at work
15. Michelle is not allowed to help the boys with their math homework
16. I want to go to a winery with you
17. I don't want to run a marathon with you
18. I like that you like the house to be clean
19. I'm glad you married me (thank you Lord)
20. You don't answer call waiting
21. I do
22. You make the bed
23. I don't (especially this week)
24. Money - UGH
25. I think Cameron Diaz is hot
26. Viggo is too
27. I would like to see the striptease, I don't care what songs you play
28. Happy wife - all is well with my soul
29. You were ready to leave on our honeymoon . .
30. I'm not ready to leave, but I do
31. I want a boat
32. Accounting control thinks the value isn't worth it
33. Jewelry -so does Ruler, but accounting control doesn't
34. Being on staff at church was the hardest job I had too
35. #70 was fun
36. I can't remember which one was my first girlfriend
37. My Redeemer Lives is one of my favorite songs
38. If Tyrone makes it, I want 1 song on stage playing drums! (I'd really like to sing, but can't)
39. Education was intellectually boring until grad school
40. I'm an ENTJ (borderline I)
41. #82 - am I included?
42. #84 - YES
43. Character does matter most
44. What are your questions for God?
45. I love music - one regret is I didn't stick with it
46. I love basketball, soccer, volleyball
47. I really want to work 4 days a week
48. Someday I want to teach
49. Friends - I miss them
50. Family - yep, miss them too!

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Beatrice said...

I still remember the look on your face and Mark's when we asked if you had reserved the church!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger joelle said...

some additions:
You're a great friend. Loyal.
You make me want to move to KY.
You throw a great party.
You know how to bite your tongue.
You are observant.
I am proud of you.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What does it say about me that I know where you are. I know why you aren't writing. I'm getting to see you in person but I still want you to write!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger oopsdupps said...

where to start...
I too read Newsweek, page by page. Although, as with all written publication, I read objectively.
I wonder who my boys will marry and if they will even call me friend on that day.
I am consistently late and keep a messy house but am glad that you are on time and I enjoy other's clean homes.
I married the man for me and credit him for saving my life.
I am glad you moved to Louisville and shared your blog with me.

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »

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