Monday, October 30, 2006

I'd give 'em a treat...

They're ready to get out there to collect my - I mean their candy! Yoda gets to wear his costume to school tomorrow.

I'm hoping that Han Solo comes to the door, I'd personally give him a treat. (Not a trick people, not a trick.)

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Good and the Not so Good

My friend Mary does a great spiritual exercise every Monday. What is "Sleeping With Bread" you ask - click on "spiritual exercise" and check it out.

For me, this past week has included more than the usual number of frustrations. (In case you didn't know - I'm the arbiter of "average weekly number of frustrations")

#1. Speeding Ticket in a school zone which doubles the fine and doubles the number of points that go on your driving record. Off to traffic school I go.

#2. As I was driving on the freeway, a huge lawn mower was mowing the center median. At precisely the moment I passed, the lawn mower struck some sort of debris that was hurled at my car. My door got all messed up. Something about me that I'm not necessarily proud of is my absolute fanatical maintenance of my car. It's ridiculous I know. Hence, my frustration at the huge scratch and dent.

#3. Mold - Everybody has mold I'm told by the mold abatement and remediation guy. I happen to have extra mold that must be addressed forthwith. $$$

Most of all, even though I knew it was coming, I wasn't prepared to hear my mom tell me on Friday morning that my grandmother had died. I was on a field trip with my son's class and we were just getting out of the car when I answered my phone. I only had a few moments to talk with my mom before I had to assume shirpa responsibilities and carry two pumpkins, two lunches, and a 45 pound kid around on the seven hour pumpkin patch, petting zoo, wood manufacturing tour extravaganza. It was one of those "I just wish I could go home and be by myself" days.

The Good:

#1. I guess I can be glad that all I got was a traffic ticket and wasn't involved in a bad accident.

#2. I was hot about my car getting hit by the lawn mower schrapnel. I boldy decided to turn around, pull over and wait till a lawn mower guy approached me. He did, was very nice and instructed me to fax in an estimate for the repair. I did. The next day I got a check in the mail for the exact amount. Who ever heard of something like this resolving itself so fast. It gave me new hope for mankind!

#3. Mold - nothing good there. It's not fixed yet. Logan frequently walks into my house with his shirt over his mouth to avoid any toxic inhalation that would result in his untimely demise.

I do get to fly home on Friday to attend my grandmother's funeral. I look forward to being with my family and celebrating her life.

Please join me in this great reflective exercise. I want to hear from you!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Life Takes

speeding ticket on Tuesday $161.00

mold abatement and prevention $2,600.00

car repair from freeway debris $424.00

Mark's face upon learning what the last two days have cost: priceless