A Neighborly Exchange
Me "Hello _________. I see you listed your house, where are you moving?"
Her "We're going to Wisconsin, my husband's job" blah, blah, blah. "You know, I saw you last week walking in your yard and I was so surprised, you looked so beautiful, your hair, your face, and you were looking so slender." "I thought you lost so much weight!" "And then I see that is not you at all, it is your sister." "She is beautiful, and so thin!"
Me (invisible thought bubble above my head) Did she just say you are fat? I'm fat. Yes, she essentially just said that she initially confused me with my much thinner sister. I'm fat.
Me "Yes, that was my younger sister." "She was here visiting with my mom a few weeks ago."
Her "Oh, yes, I realize now that could not have been you."
Me (invisible thought bubble above my head) No, that wasn't me, does she realize what she just said? She is totally malfunctioning right now. I'm fat. She doesn't get it. I'm fat. Just smile, say a few more pleasantries and walk your big lard butt into the house. I'm fat. What is the deal with people and me? I am fat.
Me "Well, I hope you are able to sell your home quickly and that your move goes smoothly, we'll be sorry to see you leave." "Take care."
Sometimes, it just takes the honest, forthright observation of somebody I barely know to be the impetus to change my eating and exercise habits. Thanks, neighbor.