Reflections (not the serious kind)
This time of year, one of the unfortunate results of urban sprawl (is that what it is called?) are deer strikes on the freeway. On Christmas Eve, a deer had been hit and someone had stopped to put a red clown nose on its face...
I did it. I made it through my first Christmas spent apart from family in California. Not going to do that again.
January 1 begins the great fast of 2007. Ruler of the Roost and I have commited to exercising three times a week and cutting out all the bad food we currently eat (in bulk). Goodbye carnitas, chips and homemade salsa, Christmas bread, sweet and buttery frosted sugar blessings of a cookie. No more waffles, heavy sauces, ice cream or starch. I have to wear a bathing suit in three weeks!
The hit - a kitchen/oven & stove top for #3. He and his brother pretend they are at Shogun (aka Benihana) preparing egg fried rice and hibachi chiken.
The miss - Leapster TV as a Santa present was a BIG MISTAKE. Someone please tell me how to make the blankety blank stylus work. Never mind, it has been returned to the island of misfit toys.
Sleeping till 8:30 is the best!
I love the immediate gratification that a clean, empty house brings post Christmas decor take down.
Ruler of the Roost wants it to be known that he alone has successfully assembled said kitchen/oven & stove top, bike ramp, fusion scooter, and trouble shooted the broken light in the basement. In addition, he installed a dimmer (with lots of help from a very capable friend).
I need to load MY music on MY ipod. We're currently enjoying Chris Tomlin's "Better Is One Day" one moment and Beyonce's "Naughty Girl" the next... musical Schizophrenia.
Family trip to the "snow" (snow used very loosely here) - hotel: $209.00 pizza dinner: $54.00 breakfast buffet: $24.00 two hours of innertubing on the man-made runs $100.00 Ruler of the Roost tripping onto the moving carpet ramp up the slope: priceless.
Not looking forward to the wailing protests of my children when they have to go back to school.
Re: the iPod music loading. Somehow the iTunes for my iPod has become the repository (is that a word?) of everyone's music so I have groups and songs on there that I am SO not interested in. I did put my foot down and deleted one album because of the artwork on it. It was disgusting and I didn't want to be reminded of it!
I would love to see #3 at work at his kitchen!
Was the deer smiling?
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