An Open Letter To My Fellow Carpool Parents
You will be relieved to know that the little boy who ran in front of your cars this morning screaming "mommy, mommy, mommmmmmmy" at the top of his lungs is back home and resting comfortably. Thank you for putting your cell phone and starbucks down and looking up just in time to hit your brakes.
He's generally a happy, well adjusted kid. He just doesn't like his teacher. Or homework, Or school. Please know that I had done my due diligence prior to our arrival. He's been coached, encouraged, warned, and threatened. He understands that if he refuses to exit the vehicle with the other three passengers and walk into school there will be consequences. Big ones.
He doesn't care.
I do apologize for holding up traffic. I wasn't trying to create a scene. I will be sure to wear the proper undergarments from now on. I usually don't have to exit my vehicle. You may have noticed me (the one with the wild, frizzy hair, sweat pants, t-shirt and no bra) attempting to discreetly pull my child out of the car and walk him to the door. You all were so patient while I tried to physically remove him from my car. Note to self - take car keys with me when exiting vehicle so that said child can't lock you out. Having pried every one of his fingers off the door handle and whispering in my sweetest, assuring voice that he was fine, I would see him this afternoon, I'm going to get back in the car, etc. I thought I was home free.
That's when you might have heard him screaming at me as I walked away. I heard him. Really, I did. I could see that he was running after me. Thank you green Suburban for not running over him and black Toyota for not rear-ending green Suburban when it stopped abruptly.
And yes, that was my youngest son exiting my vehicle. He got nervous and decided to get out of his seat and come be by me. My deepest gratitude to the lady in the mini-van who got out and walked him over to me.
What's that saying, "it takes a village to drop your kids off at school?"
I'm not sure how helpful it was when the dad on car door duty suggested that I need to "get my kids under control." It's the unsolicited feedback that tends to put me off.
Thanks so much, I'm glad I could clear this up. Maybe you should arrive well before or after me in the morning. (I'm there consistently at 8:03) I'll be the one wearing a bra, with full make-up and hair done dragging my kid into school.