Bullet Points (inspiration = Mary)
Kids back in school and counting down the days until they are out for summer. So am I, only I'm keeping track for different reasons.
Question: How many people does it take to change a lightbulb in our house? Answer: Two. Two people who successfully jam said lightbulb into socket and can't get it out. Two people to drive to Home Depot at 9:35 PM to buy two new vanity lights that must be installed before the scheduled showing in the morning.
Can't wait for family to arrive in two weeks.
Who wants a Demotivator? These aren't for everyone...
The Office is back.
Trying to figure out what I can do to earn some cash, occupy my mind and time while the kids are in school. Prefer that it isn't an extension of the current job, i.e. cleaning, driving, and mediation. To quote a good friend Nancy, "must have unlimited sick and personal days and very flexible scheduling." Ideas?
Can we be done with 40 degrees now?