God's Word and Candy
I was running errands for the tea that I am responsible for (more on that another day). Three was with me in Michael's and we were in line to pay. He told me he was "hungry" which has nothing to do with an empty stomach. What he wants is candy. I told him I would get him a snack when we got home.
As we are walking to the car, he is waiting back wanting to follow me about five feet behind. I quickly realize he has something in his hand... he's taken a piece of chocolate candy that he picked up next to the cash register in the store.
I do the whole down on one knee, look him in the eye, "we don't take things that we haven't paid for, it's called stealing" thing and he starts to cry. I walk him back in crying to give back the candy. I hand it to the cashier as he is wailing "I'm just hungry mommy, you never give me any food!" to anybody who will listen.
It made me remember Two's little incident a couple of years ago. He stole a Bible out of the hotel room we were in. I found it in his bed weeks later - he told me that somebody had given it to him. Yeah, the Gideon's.
So, chocolate and Bibles - that's what we lift here at our house.