Mark-A-Wish Foundation
Ruler-of-the-Roost mentioned to me today that it was a shame the joy that is living with him couldn't be shared round the world. He went on to comment that while I reap all the benefits of his tireless giving, so many must do without. A tragedy indeed. Henceforth, his philanthropic efforts will be directed beyond the blessed here at ky coop cast.
Mark-A-Wish Eligibility
Any female who has reached the age of 18 and is under the age of 100 at the time of referral, who believes herself to be in desperate need or deserving, is potentially eligible for a wish.
"I grant the wishes of my wife and others to enrich their life experience with hope, strength, and joy."
Since 1994, the Mark-A-Wish Foundation has enriched the lives of his wife and children with his wish-granting work. The foundation's mission reflects the life-changing impact that a Mark-A-Wish experience has on women, children, families, and fried chicken.
Wish requests may be submitted in writing to Ruler-of-the-Roost who does retain first right of refusal... assuming anyone out there has a wish they want him to fulfill.