Thursday, May 07, 2009


Mary called me out so here it is:

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:

Watching The Office
Getting my hair PROFESSIONALLY colored (not playing chemicals in my bathroom)
A long run tomorrow
Seeing some friends from a long time ago in June
Watching the kids play football this weekend
The pool opening
Camping at Taylorsville (I know, weird for me)

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:

Laundry (I gave the staff the day off)
Talked with a friend
some other mundane task I cannot recall

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:

Run faster
Play the piano
Speak a second language
Articulate and defend a position more clearly/convincingly
Not have to be so mindful about what I eat
Eat lunch with my sister every week
Spend more time with my three nephews
Sing really well

Eight Shows I Watch:

Friday Night Lights
Rescue Me
48 Hours
The Tudors
Glenn Beck/O'Reilly
The Office
Whatever my kids are watching