A woman named Margaret called me this morning and said she had a cat that matched the description of one lost and reported to the Humane Society in our area. I drove to her house and it was Starbuck! He's home, completely emaciated but purring and sleeping in his favorite spot.
The kids will be so excited when they walk in and see him!
I still would like people to check out the blog every once in a while - I can help that along with a new post every now and again.
My sister and brother-in-law welcomed their second son on November 28. He's healthy and beautiful and sleeps a lot! Can you ask for anything more? Now they just have to adjust to life with multiple kids - I remember the early days of nursing and watching from the upstairs window as my two older kids exited the building and headed over to Grandma's house. (They were 3 and 4 at the time. Hardly old enough to conduct a solo field trip to grandma's).
Starbuck, the most friendly and lovable cat you ever saw went missing in early November. We scoured the neighborhood, put up signs, and went door to door. He's gone. I admit that I loved that cat and really miss him. We had some upset kids for several weeks.
And finally, the Tea. The youngest told me yesterday that he was really glad I was done with the tea because he was tired of watching me work on my computer and talk on the phone. He calls it like he sees it. It went great - 75 hostesses and tables on each night, 26 crafters in the Holiday Bazaar, tons of volunteers, great program and most importantly, an awesome volunteer leadership team! Check out the slide show to get a flavor of the event.