An Update in Ten Bullets
1. I'm currently suffering from a very bad case of Irrigation Envy. I longlingly gaze at neighbors' sprinklers as they daily hydrate the beautiful lush lawns... and then there is my house and one hose and the irrigation system ruler-of-the-roost refers to as "hose girl."
2. My doctor tells me that as people age (like me, in my advanced stage of aging) gall bladders become non-functional. Grandma, (that's me) has to get hers out. I might take that opportunity to have some additional "work" done to help reverse the aging process.
3. There's the business of a trip to CA that will have to delay the above surgical procedure. Digestion isn't fun anymore, my love affair with food has been temporarily suspended.
4. Daily trips to the pool, playing outside, Gamecube, and watching hours of Dirty Jobs still leave my children hopelessly bored. I fondly remember the days of my youth - "go play, and I'll call you in a few hours for lunch."
5. Hosting a rockin' 40th Birthday party for a dear friend - it was scheduled to take place in a tranquil "green garden-like setting" has been changed to "Dessert in the Desert" complete with sand dunes and scorpions. (reference #1 above)
6. Ruler-of-the-Roost has announced for the 15th time today that this is "Father's Day WEEKEND" In addition to the massage he wants me and our children to give him, he is anticipating homemade buttermilk pancakes/bacon for breakfast, a picnic lunch with all of his favorites, followed by homemade pizza. What happened to the bucket of chicken concept?
7. I have successfully gone over three weeks with no Tylenol PM. Yep, cold turkey, don't even really miss it.
8. Can't wait for the so-cal trip.
9. Apart from the daily boredom that is summer, the kids are great and have had lots of fun playing football and t-ball.
10. Got to go - I have to start preparing for the all day eating fest that is Father's Day 2007.
Ooh, the gallbladder thing is awful. Had mine out three years ago. While I was waiting for surgery, I ate dinner about four times in as many weeks. I lost almost twenty pounds. When someone asked me what my secret was, I told them it was large, painful gall stones. Nice secret, huh? I'm sorry. I know it is awful.
I can't wait for your so-cal trip! :)
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